Provider: Information according to § 5 TMG:
Maya Maha Metta - Life Advicer
Maitri Lorenzo-Ventura
Konrad Engelhardt-Str. 9
82131 Gauting
Ph. Business: +49 1577 157 6353
E-mail: maitrikarma@gmail.com
Legal form: small business, self-employed
Job description:
Graduate teacher, educator, leader
Tarot Card Reader - Clairvoyant - Medium
Psychological Counsellor (TMI)
Kinesiology Practitioner
Hypnotist, Regressions (to past life), mental training with hypnosis
Coaching, life consultant
Trance Healing, Reiki Master
Seminar and travel guide
Author "Unconditional" (Maitri May)
VAT identification number according to § 27a UStG: 161/246/30596
The massages are:
... NO...
• Healing method in the sense of a classic symptom treatment
• Therapy or substitute for a specific medical history and treatment or consulting a doctor, alternative practitioner, trained therapist, ...
The causes of acute back pain should first be clarified by a doctor before starting a massage treatment. Also, medical attention should be sought in cases of elevated temperature, infections and infectious diseases.
Safety precautions and contraindications:
Certain medical conditions make it advisable to check the appropriateness of a massage. If in doubt or under medical treatment, consult your doctor or therapist before undergoing a massage. This is especially true in the case of Cardiovascular discomfort, and especially in cases of thrombosis, Phlebitis and edema. Massages should also be avoided during the first three months of pregnancy, during which the risk of miscarriage is highest.
Get medical attention before a massage treatment, in the following cases:
• Circulatory disorders such as: phlebitis, thrombosis, varicose veins, heart problems, internal bleeding or haemorrhages.
• If you are under medication.
• Diabetes (reflexology treatment may affect insulin levels).
• Undiagnosed nodules or swelling, or pain of unclear origin.
• Oedema.
• Osteoporosis.
• skin infections and communicable diseases.
• Acute rheumatism or arthritis.
• Asthma or bronchitis.
* Half face paralysis.
• For new fractures, joint sprains or injuries, as well as inflammation and swelling.
• For surgical scars, up to two years after surgery.
• Complaints that are already in treatment.
Massages are absolutely contraindicated in cases of:
• Cancer: other than end-stage.
• Pregnancy: during the first 3 months.
• Epilepsy: treatment could trigger seizure.
• Under the influence of alcohol and other drugs.
© 1996 Massages Maya Maha Metta
Responsible for content:
Maitri Lorenzo Ventura
82131 Gauting