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The  Oil Massage


Ayurvedic Abhyanga Massage. Wellnes Massage and treatments with May in Munich

Traditional Ayurvedic texts wax eloquent on the benefits. They say:

Give yourself a full body oil massage on a daily basis. It is nourishing, relieves fatigue, provides stamina, perfect sleep, enhances the complexion and the luster of the skin, promotes longevity and nourishes all parts of the body.


Abhyanga massage in Munich is a gentle but firm whole body massage from head to toe using warm medicated oils. Oils are chosen according to the prakruti (psychosomatic constitution) and the illness.

Healing herbs are important in Ayurveda. Herbalized massage oils contain a blend of carefully chosen herbs known for their ability to strengthen the physiology and balance the mind. So the daily massage with a herbalized massage oil has twice the beneficial power: the benefits from the massage and the wisdom of the herbs.

Ayurvedic Acupressure Massage



The word Marma used with meanings as tender, secret or vital places. There are certain anatomical locations in the body which are vital, and serve as small pockets of Prana, thus any injury to these parts can be painful and cripple the local functions or even lead to sudden death of the individual. They are junctions of different channels of Prana movements in the body.

Ayurvedic Marma Massage. Wellnes Massage and treatments with May in Munich

Prana is a vital energy that pervades each and every corner of the body, it nourishes, guides and controls the functioning of the cell and systems. when these MARMA (junctions) are affected or ruptured, the organs linked with the Prana channels become starved with lack of Prana and some organ becomes diseased, crippled or paralysed or depending upon the quantum of Prana is being lost, it may lead to slow or sudden death.  Marma is the meeting point 'where the Prana is present. This is similar with Chinese meridian concept, in which the points appear either on a signal meridian line or at meeting points of different meridian.

Marma massage involves full body massage with warm medicated oil and stimulating or massaging the Marma points on the body. According to psychosomatic constitution or disease, different oils are selected for Marma massage. This kind of massage stimulates / generates the own energy resources and gives the person more vital energy. It removes blockages from the Marma points, giving physical and psychological relaxation and strength.

Regular Marma massage protects from vata disorders nourishes body, extends life span, provides good sleep, improves physical stability. Stimulating or massaging the Marma points gives benefits to the area of that location and improves the function of the connecting organs.

Indian  Head  Massage


Ayurvedic Indian Head Massage. Wellnes Massage and treatments with May in Munich

Indian Head Massage has been practised in India for over 1000 years.
Traditionally, the techniques were restricted to the head and hair, to improve scalp and hair condition of Indian women. Nowadays, a system incorporating the upper back, shoulders, neck, upper arms and face, has evolved in the belief that by treating these  energy centres the whole body can benefit.

This kind of Massage is a safe, accessible, and convenient treatment that can provide instant relief from tension and stress symptoms and induce a state of calm, peace and tranquillity and also promote high levels of alertness and concentration.

This simple yet effective massage uses a variety of techniques to manipulate soft tissue. It is performed with the client in a seated position, usually through light clothing and without the use of oils. The masseuse uses a range of different massage pressures and rhythms to stimulate the head, neck, upper back and shoulder area. A typical massage lasts between 15 and 20 minutes.

Ayurvedic Indian Head Massage. Wellnes Massage and treatments with May in Munich

Indian Head Massage provides relief from aches and pains, promotes a healthy scalp and hair, induces relaxation and a feeling of well-being, fibrous adhesions (knots and nodules) can be broken down, loosening of the scalp, help in the relief of eye strain and tension headaches, excellent for disturbed sleep and insomnia, and more.


Wellness Massage und Behandlung

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