The root word symbolizes foot pressure and is an ancient form of bodywork. Ashiatsu Therapy, sometimes referred to as barefoot Shiatsu, meaning that the therapist is shoeless, and that the principles of Shiatsu, the technique which focuses on pressure points, are utilized in the massage. Traditional barefoot Ashiatsu has been performed in Asia on a floor mat for 3,000 years.
In traditional Ashiatsu, the client lies on the floor and covered with a towel while the practitioner walks across his or her back, using the feet to target specific pressure points. This unique deep pressure work, using the pressure of the therapist's feet on strategic points along the back and spine, a certain effect is created on the soft tissue that surrounds the muscles and inter-vertebral disc space and are applied to all areas of the back using hand and foot pressure to milk the muscles, open chakras and release toxins. This treatment induces deep relaxation, relieves tight muscles and stimulate the body's own self-healing capabilities.
This deep compression on the soft tissue around the joints is performed with smooth, flowing, gliding deep foot pressure.
Ashiatsu in Munich combines the best elements of traditional Thai massage, shiatsu from Japan and Keralite massage from southern India.
The mobilization of the joints is naturally effected by the deep pressure above and below the joints on the surrounding musculature.
By working with the body, Ashiatsu can heighten total (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) awareness.
Treatments include stretching, and stimulation or sedation of acupressure points/meridians. The work is effective and clients will often feel the work deeply in their muscles, internal organs, and bones.
"The deepest, most luxurious massage on the planet."
There are not that many places in Germany that make this kind of massage, but Munich has the good luck of having someone who does it!!.